• Call us at: +40 745 372 072   -   Write to us on: st.trandafir.din.saron@gmail.com

  •    Trandafir Din Saron Foundation

  • Here are some of the projects we've been involved in since 1998. All the projects were possible in cooperation with our sponsors and volunteers.  

  • 1. The Children house project Fantanele-Arad
    The activity of the children house, family type, began in cooperation with the child protection institute in 1998. The children (abandoned or neglected by their parents) were between 6 months and 14 years old. The nasty conditions the children lived in, before we took them in, affected their mental and emotional state in a very bad way and some of them with retard symptoms. We had 18 children that we raised in a family type home. Anna and Cornel (the parents) had good help from Romanian and foreign volunteers but also from humanitarian foundation from Holland, England and USA. An important help we had from Felicia and Mariette (psychologists) and from many young students. One of the main role in continuing and finishing this project, were the sponsors. At one point all the children became adults, starting their own life, with an exception, two young ladies who are still in the last year of school.

    2. Humanitarian help projects for different people.
    In this project we included poor families with children, rom families and people with disabilities from Arad County (Fiscut, Caporal Alexa, Ghioroc, Minis, Ususau and other villages).  Yearly we organized transports with food, clothes, furniture and other goods, from persons and organizations from Holland. Also we brought special chairs, wheelchairs and medical equipment for people with disabilities.

    3. Humanitarian help projects for institutions, schools, kindergartens, foster cares and bughouses.
    For the elementary school nr. 20 from Arad, we brought, benches and chairs, furniture and other needed things. At the Fiscut elementary school, was renovated the playground and the school interior. At the foster care from Arad and the bughouse from Mocrea, were donated many tones of food.

    4. Work camps
        - At the elementary school in Arad and Fiscut, were renovated the walls and furniture in all classrooms and renewing the schools playground, with the help of Junior foundation from Holland.
        - In Minis, Lipova, Sambateni Paulis and Ususau, a church from Arnhem-Holland, periodically organized work camps with youth. They renovated the houses of disadvantaged families, projects together with the local administration. In these projects the youth from Holland and the youth from Romania, created an emotional connection witch led to good friendships.
        - In Sambateni in 2012, for a very poor single mother with 5 children, was built a house, 3 months before the old houses collapsed. We had help also from the local administration.
        - In Ususau in 2011, was built a house for a very poor family with 2 children.
    The financial support was covered by Inima foundation, the Arnhem Church and different people from Holland.

    5. Individual projects
    From 2002-20015, there were drilled 4 fountains for poor families with no running water in the house, installed electricity, renovated houses, equipped houses with basic needs for poor families, clothes for children. Also we supported afterschool lessons for children with difficulties in learning and not affording meditation.

    All this was possible with the help of: