• Call us at: +40 745 372 072   -   Write to us on: st.trandafir.din.saron@gmail.com

  •    Trandafir Din Saron Foundation

  • Marioara is a single mother rising 5 children. They use to live in a very damaged house. Together with some sponsors and the Local Administration, we managed to get funds for a new small house. After 3 months since they moved in the new house, the old house collapsed because of the damage.

    She has no job (no jobs in the area) and they survive by working by day when they find something and with a little help we can provide. Two of the children go to school but some times they don't have money to send them 30 km to the school.

  • Needs 1

    • Clothes for parents and children
    • Things needed for school
    • Food supplies
    • Bicycles for transportation
    • Monthly money  
    • Any kind of furniture or tools
  • Needs 2

    • Finishing the fence
    • More animals to raise
    • Stables for animals
    • Food for animals
    • Restoration around the house
    • Wood for winter (heating)
  • If you would like to get involved, helping this family in any way, please contact us for more information about the family and situation they are in. We can make together a good plan, so these children may have a hope for a better future.