• Call us at: +40 745 372 072   -   Write to us on: st.trandafir.din.saron@gmail.com

  •    Trandafir Din Saron Foundation

  • Cristi and his wife have 5 children between 6 to 13 years old living in a house with one room. They live in a village in Arad county. Their situation was and still is one if the worst. A few years ago they didn't have running water, door, fence, gate and so on...

    The basic things of life are still not met yet. We helped them as much as we could together with our sponsors in giving them running water in the house, door, a gate and a fence, heating in the house, some clothes, furniture and other stuff, but they still need a lot of help to reach the minimum level for survive.

    Some times the children don't go to school because they don't have proper clothes, or because the older kids work by day so they can have some money. We tried to renovate the "house" they live in, but it is too damaged. Also we bought for them some animals so they can make a living out of it.

    In the area there is no work, so the mother works 1 to 3 days a week for private people. Cristi works some times in the woods. All they make goes on bills and food and most of the times not enough to cover them.

  • Needs 1

    • Clothes for parents and children
    • Things needed for school
    • Food supplies
    • Bicycles for transportation
    • Monthly money  
    • Any kind of furniture or tools
    • Wood for winter
  • Needs 2

    • Finishing the fence
    • More animals to raise
    • Stables for animals
    • Food for animals
    • Restoration in the house
    • Restoration around the house
    • A new house
  • The most urgent need is demolishing the old 'house' and build another one. The house is almost falling because is very old, no good foundation and many big cracks in the walls and ceiling. And also 7 people living in one small room filled with fungus, is not humane.
    Also helping sustaining themselves by acquiring animals and food in the beginning is one of our priorities.

  • If you would like to get involved, helping this family in any way, please contact us for more information about the family and situation they are in. We can make together a good plan, so these children may have a hope for a better future.